Thank you!
All gifts are very gratefully received. Please write to us to let us know about your gift - we would love to be able thank you! Email [email protected]. (We don't get any contact details through the donate button or bank transfer.) Give online at the donate button above or here are other ways to give: Bank Transfer The Whitworth Trust CAF Bank Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account Number: 00029956 Quoting Reference: 'Donation from [donor name]' Posting Cheques Please check the current postal address for the Treasurer by writing to [email protected] . Gift Aid The Whitworth Trust is registered with the UK gift aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer, we would be very grateful if you could download and fill out the declaration form attached below, before sending it via post or by email to [email protected]. The gift aid form will increase the value of your donation by about 25%!
The Whitworth Trust is a very small organisation of volunteers, and relies entirely on the generosity of supporters, as well as local groups -- like the Ely Diocesan Mothers' Union, the Cambridge Soroptimists, and CHOP (Cambridge Homeless Outreach Programme) -- volunteering their time and energy. We are always absolutely delighted to have individuals and groups fundraise on our behalf. If you would like to contribute to the charity, to join our committee, or to run a fundraising event in aid of our work, then please get in touch with us via the links on our 'contact us' page. We're currently looking for Gardening volunteers and fundraising for welcome bedding packs.![]() Corporate Sponsorship
We are always very grateful for corporate support. In the past, businesses have very kindly covered expenses for fundraising events, fundraised on our behalf, offered donations, and also donated specific items to the residents of Whitworth House. Do please get in touch if you would like to offer support in this way. ![]() Become a friend/volunteer We are always looking to expand our list of willing volunteers! If you'd like to register your interest in volunteering at any of our events, or helping with fundraising, then we would love to hear from you. Volunteering can be as big or small of a commitment as you like. Committee Members: Our small team is looking for committee members. We'd be absolutely delighted to hear from individuals with experience working in the charities sector, or local government, or with knowledge and expertise which comes from a career in academic research. We'd be especially glad to hear from those with knowledge of the housing sector.